Monday, May 16, 2011

Sometimes it's educational

A lesson In Hashtags...

Recently, I made a new friend on twitter. He is very new to twitter and decided I was a good person to learn something from when it comes to tweeting. *flattered* I have over 21,000 tweets. But there are people out there who have more. Maybe it is because once upon a time I did not like twitter. (Only he couldn't possibly know that since we just met.)

Pick yourself up off the floor. It's ok. That was like...2008ish.

I started 2/21/2009 (thanks to my friends who could see the date even though I can't.) It took 6 months to write this post:
Dear Twitter, I'm Sorry

Its been all down hill from there. LOL. Most of my tweets started rolling in around early 2010, when I finally had interwebs on my phone. Anyway, the reason I post, is a lesson in Hashtags. My new friend asked me what they were, I wasn't prepared for the question. I answered it as best I could.
It got me thinking about them.

Hashtags are Twitter's way of connecting tweets, to put it simply.  A utility in its purest sense. Search Twitter for #pirates and you may see a lot of weeping as our baseball team gets killed by opposing Major League teams. Search Twitter for #gosharks and you will find some hilarious, possibly untranslatable tweets from @superfro432.
There are no real rules. We make the tags up. If enough people use the same tag, then it becomes a twitter trending topic.
My fellow hashtag addicts and I use it that way. We use it to get a point across when squeezing something in to 140 characters. (#StillSoWorthIt) We use it to honor an icon. (#MyronCope) We make it up as we go along. (#GoodDayDammit) We hashtag our texts and IM's too. Because... it just makes sense to us. It took me a very long time to understand hashtags. Honestly, its an organic thing. As you get into twitter more, you will eventually start tagging shit. It's a fact of life.

Tags I have used:
#saveme, #stab, #thegrave (that is another blog post), #fakesquare, #WTFSnow, #lifewitha4yrold #CauseIm14 #nerd
We use it for games too. This is how I got immersed in them. Twitter games.
To see the games we play, go to twitter and search #FakeMarathonTweets

I really, really wish I had screen caps of the #FakeLifetimeMovies and #BadKidsMovieSequals that we did a while back. Oh that? Was some funny shit. The point is to have fun with it. Make up your own. You are allowed. :-)

Any questions? ask away on comment or on twitter of course. :-)

Here is a sneak peak at my next blog post topic:

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