I will start this edition of Things that piss me off, with a game called Call Center Jeopardy.
We, who toil away in a drab, horribly carpeted cubes all day, should be allowed to play this game. This is a shout out to listening skills... callers have no damn listening skills. They are talking to someone, checking their email, eating a snack and talking to you all at the same time. Some are even in the bathroom. (YES! I heard you flush!!)
And you are repeating yourself cause they aren't paying attention. Hello!! You called me! I am happy you *think* can multitask, but if i catch you driving, eating and talking on the phone at the same time, I am getting the hell away from you on the road! How about limiting it to.... I don't know... TWO things at once instead of FIVE. Cause your not good at it! Oh and could you possibly wait until your break to call? I am tired of the "hold on, I'll be right back callers." They call in and because they are working a front desk somewhere... put you hold 50 times during the call, and then don't listen to you cause they are doing 3 other things too... So, then you have to repeat yourself. Again.... Back to my new game I wish I could play... Alas... Its only a fantasy.
OK, so everyone knows how Jeopardy works... Alex reads a clue, contestants phrase their response in the form of a question. They can buzz in at anytime after Alex starts reading to answer, and if they are wrong they lose money. Call center Jeopardy is similar. For example, When I ask a customer a question and they answer before I am finished asking, and the answer is wrong, I should be allowed to Hang Up! Sorry, you lose your turn! When they answer with an obviously wrong answer or with every other piece of information but what i asked for, Sorry, you lose your turn!! CLICK
This is how it works now:
"May I have your account number"
"My phone number is 555-555-5555"
"OK, I can't use that... May I have your Account number please" (I have to repeat myself)
"May I have the Date and amount of your last deposit"
"It was a ATM withdrawal, last weekend for like... I don't know.. $25"(this doesn't match anything on the account)
"I'm sorry, I don't see that, can you give me the date an amount of your last deposit?" (I am repeating myself again)
This is how Call Center Jeopardy would work:
"May I have your account number"
"My phone number is 412-555-5555"
"Sorry, wrong answer! You lose your turn!" (CLICK)
"May I have the Date and amount of your last deposit"
"it was a ATM withdrawal, last weekend for like... I don't know.. $25"(this
doesn't match anything on the account)
"I'm sorry, Your wrong, I didn't ask that. You lose your turn!(CLICK)
Oh how nice that would be... I'll dream of the day... Until then I am doomed to repeat myself and wonder how humanity manages to survive. Until next time.... :-)