Tuesday, August 3, 2010

BP is STILL pissing me off

While being consumed Sunday by the sickness from hell that caught me by surprise.... I discovered new ways to hate BP. I laid in bed for many hours Saturday night into Sunday evening. With just the radio on. In my brief moments of clarity... I heard commercials.

The first one was a man talking candidly about owning BP stations and how he employs people in the community and thanking people for still using his stations despite BP being the biggest jagoff on the planet at the moment. Well, that last part? It was implied. ;-)

An I thought, "Oh, that's nice. A local business reaching out..."

Then later on, I swear to God, I heard an almost identical ad, this time from a woman. Saying almost the exact. same. thing. [stab]  My deduction is that BP sponsored these ads and they are completely "actor portrayed" or the owners were handed scripts and money and told to read as though their franchise license depended on it.

The final straw was an ad I heard this morning for Sanibel Island in Florida. After droning on about how terrible the spill is and how it is a travesty to tourism, They proceed to practically shout that there is no oil spill in Sanibel!!!!

It seemed to me like they were rubbing it in that their beaches were "pristine" (their words, not mine) and that it was the only place in Florida you could go now. Kinda like "Its terrible! (Ha-ha! Suckers! We are cashing in on this bitch) Oh, its so awful!!!" Totally insincere sounding. I wanted to punch the radio. Except it wasn't the radios fault such nonsense was coming out.

So I turned it off. And found a new level of disdain BP and all their "Safety Rules? What Safety rules? Its SO much cheaper to cut corners." Bull Shit. Assholes.

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