Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Have the "Authorties" listened???

Greensburg People Want Students' 'Sexting' Charges Dropped

Really? You go Greensburg people!!

WTAE Channel 4's Jennifer Miele reported that Mayor Karl Eisaman and the Greensburg Police Department have received dozens of e-mails from people who think the kids' parents -- and not a judge -- should punish them.

"These are good kids that made mistakes ... What they did was wrong, but they are not sex offenders," one of the boys' mothers said in an e-mail to Channel 4 Action News on Monday.


"I think it's actually really foolish for both the school district and the prosecuting attorneys to make an issue of this thing," defense attorney Dante Bertani said. "I mean, it's girls sending pictures of themselves to their boyfriends."

I totally agree!!! Next on the list to harass with complaints about this waste of time:

The city is declining comment and referring all questions to District Attorney John Peck, who made the decision to charge the teens.

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